Saturday, December 31, 2005

A look back and moving forward

What is it about New Years that causes such reminiscing? I guess commercialism can really have an impact on the patterns of the brain.

Looking back in the tradition I would have to say that 2005 has been one of the more eventful years so far for me.

Having Peet gone, back to the Army, not by choice, has been one of those experience that causes trauma, therefore growth in life. I really have tried in his absence to take a look at myself, good, bad and indifferent. What do I love about myself, what needs to change and what is just there and always will be?

This year has brought some experience such as finally getting to E3, something Peet and I had talked about for years. I have traveled to CA more this year than I have in sometime.

10 year high school reunion, really allowed to me to see what a growth and changes I have been through since high school. Having been with Peet since High school, sometimes it is hard to really see how much time has really gone by, and how much we have truly grown. Seeing some who had not seen my since High School, was a refreshing experience. To be able to stand proud and strong among peers who had such a grasp on my self confidence in younger days. It was a liberating experience to say the least.

2005 also allowed my to connect to some people in my life who although they had been present were not in the position they are now. Forming bonds with others is one thing I truly treasure, the experience that get banked for those interactions in my minds are priceless. Among life personal relationships are among the highest rated things to have and share in my book. Something you might have picked up previously, though not directly stated. I love finding a person that shares somethings in common, but differs on others, creates endless opportunities for conversation, one of my other favorite things.

2005 will be one of those years that never fades. Some years have been uneventful, though with Peet and I, not too many of them simply slide through, but the events and discoveries I have had this year, have been a turning point for me and those will never be forgotten.

Looking forward to 2006:
What do I hope for the year?
I hope that the people who mean the most to me, take the chances needed to bring them the happiness they deserve.
I hope that health and wealth are brought to those deserving and willing to work for them.
I hope that my children will have every opportunity to grown and learn I can provide for them.
I hope that love touches all those in my life, those without will find it one way this year, and those with love, will rekindle a flame bright and strong.
I hope that I can make a difference in one person's life in a way they never thought I could, and in a way I never expected to be of assistance.
I hope that I meet 1 person who helps me become a better person in someway.
I hope that I can share something I have learned with another.

I hope that I can find a way for 123 days to pass so I can see my husband, there is only one thing I want more than for May 3 to come and that would be for November. I can only mark one day off the calendar at a time.

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